空调缺氟的判定 Determination of fluorine deficiency in air conditioning 1.试:空调正常开启一段时间后,吹到身上的风感到很凉,并能很快达到...
空调什么时候需要加氟? When does air conditioning need fluorine? 1、使用超过5年以上的; 1. Use for more than 5 years; ...
空调制冷剂运行原理 Air conditioning refrigerant operation principle 空调在作制冷运行时,低温低压的制冷剂气体被压缩机吸入后加压变成高温高压的制冷剂...
采用在压缩机的吸气管上重新焊接一段维修工艺管进行加氟具体步骤: A section of maintenance process pipe is re welded on the suction p...
采用在压缩机的吸气管上重新焊接一段维修工艺管进行加氟 Adding fluorine by re welding a section of maintenance process pipe on t...