Water leakage treatment of air conditioning cleaning
处理漏水首先应判断漏水的原因。 无论水怎么漏,都是有来源的,先找出水是从哪里漏出来的,再想法去解决自然就不难了。
In dealing with water leakage, we should first judge the cause of water
leakage. No matter how the water leaks, there is a source. It is not
difficult to find out where the water leaks first, and then figure out
how to solve the problem.
Generally speaking, there are only two kinds of leakage:
1.自然脏堵,这个我就不多说了,井盖钢模具 U型槽模具 天津水处理设备 检查井钢模具 保定公司注册 u型槽模具 流水槽模具 最简单的吹下排水管就OK了 (补充一下 还有蒸发器脏和内机后面的小水盘脏堵引起流水不畅,不行就清洗内机了。)
1. Naturally dirty and blocked, I won't say much about it. The simplest way is to blow down the drain pipe
2. The water leakage caused by external factors is not regular, only by
careful observation (for example, the mouse bites the drain pipe, the
installation level is not in place, the internal machine plastic parts
are deformed, etc.)