Filter screen cleaning
将窗户打开,通风,先用抹布把空调外壳擦拭一遍,然后把外壳打开,将滤网拆卸下来,拿水管用自来水冲洗,不要用洗洁精一类的东西,直接冲就可以,如果水流不够急无法将污垢冲下的时候,可以将浴室内的莲蓬喷头调到最急水流档,然后冲洗,一般都能冲洗干净;冲洗干净后放在阴凉处风干,不要在太阳下暴晒,过滤网一般是塑料的,经受检查井钢模具 隔离墩模具 隔离墩钢模具 流水槽模具 U型槽模具 螺杆启闭机 卷扬式启闭机 铜雕佛像 不起高温。最后过滤网干爽后装回空调内部,将空调外壳关闭即可。注意事项:清洗的时候一定不要用刷子一类的东西,那会把过滤网的过滤眼刷大,对过滤网是个损害,也影响空调的使用效果。
Open the window and ventilate it. First wipe the air conditioner shell
with a rag, then open the shell, dismantle the filter screen, take the
water pipe and wash it with tap water. Don't use detergent and other
things, just wash it directly. If the water flow is not fast enough to
wash the dirt down, you can adjust the shower head of the lotus garden
in the bathroom to the fastest water flow, and then wash it. Generally,
it can be washed Clean; after washing, put it in a cool place and air
dry. Do not expose to the sun. The filter screen is usually plastic and
can not stand high temperature. Finally, install the filter net into the
air conditioner after it is dry, and close the air conditioner shell.
Note: when cleaning, do not use brush or other things. It will make the
filter eye of the filter screen bigger, which will damage the filter
screen and affect the use effect of the air conditioner.